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MARS (Microsoft Access Reports Scheduler) is an automation tool for providing easy access to business intelligence information collected from Microsoft Access databases.

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CRD Crystal Reports Scheduler is a business intelligence tool that lets you schedule and automate many of the more repetitive tasks involved in everyday business processes.

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GlassWire Free Firewall detects threats that your antivirus misses and helps you lock down your network from hackers

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Every branding strategy starts with a logo, but for a small startup company, it's not always practical to pay for a professional designer. That's where Logo Design Studio is here to help you.

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Due to its popularity and tough security, WhatsApp is a common choice of criminals. Some governments attempt to criminalize WhatsApp protection measures. How to find the right balance between public safety and security is the topic of this article.

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It is likely that people will remember your brand logo before they even remember the name of your company. That's why every branding strategy starts with a great logo design.

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iOS 11 implements a number of new security measures for better protecting the privacy of Apple customers and once again increasing security of device data. Find out what you can and what you cannot do with an iOS 11 device as a forensic expert.

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Taking control of your online privacy and security can be hard, but there are some things you can do. VyprVPN provides an elegant solution for this issue.

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While convenient, Wi-Fi networks are also frequently unsecured - meaning they pose great privacy risks to any users who join them. Learn how to make informed - and safe - choices when utilizing and connecting to public Wi-Fi networks today.

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Discover new features and improvements in the updated version of the MyHeritage Mobile App - our popular family tree builder.

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WhatsApp is the most popular instant messenger worldwide. Due to a point-to-point encryption it is an extremely tough target to extract. This article provides a step-by-step guide to extracting and decrypting WhatsApp backups from iCloud Drive.

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